In the Middle Eastern culture, it is very common to adopt the religion of your parents and not even question it, across many generations. That is actually the norm.  I moved to the United States when I finished high school and began attending college. During my college years, I began to search for truth. I had such a big void and emptiness inside. I knew something was missing. I had always yearned for an intimate relationship with my creator. I grew up with an understanding that God is in heaven and supreme over everything, yet He felt so distant. I knew that I had to live a life of kindness and serving others, but it was void of communion with God.

I began to read about different religions and philosophies. Buddhism intrigued me, but I knew deep down, that was not the answer. In my late 20’s, I had a dream of our Lord Jesus. I was sleeping and in my dream, I saw a light shining through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, I saw the face of our Lord of Glory. I vividly remember His gentle eyes and warm smile. Those were His most striking features in my dream. He had such a gentleness about Him. Unfortunately, I forgot my dream immediately and I am sad to confess that I did not realize that it was our Lord Jesus at the time, extending His love to me.

In my mid 30’s, I reached a very dark place in my life. I was very depressed and on my knees sobbing. I was pleading with God to reveal Himself to me and show me truth. In His mercy, He met me in my brokenness and I had a divine encounter with Him, the Living God. His presence was so real and my life was forever changed. I remembered the dream I had earlier in life, the invitation He had extended to me, which I regretfully had forgotten. I began reading the book of John and fell deeply in love with my Savior. Jesus laid down His life for all of us, every broken, wretched sinner. I was very touched by His love and affirmation of women (the Samaritan woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, and Mary Magdalene). He placed such value on women that He revealed Himself to them first (the Samaritan women and Mary at the tomb). I realize now that there is no better place in the world than sitting at the feet of Jesus and lavishing in His love. I know now that I am a daughter of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, not because I deserve or will ever deserve it, but because of His grace and mercy.

Knowing the truth sets us free. I encourage you to always seek the truth, no matter what the cost. It was very difficult for me to confront my parents face to face about stepping out of Islam and giving my life to Jesus. It caused them heartache and brought shame to them. My mom wouldn’t speak to me for a short while. There is nothing more difficult than inflicting pain on your parents, ones that have blessed and taken care of you your whole life. I could not ask for better parents. God blessed me with wonderful, loving, earthly parents and I had to go against them, family, and tradition. Once I knew He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, there was no turning back. The Lord commands us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. I intend to do that for the rest of my life.

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